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Sports Chiropractic in Green Bay

Athletes—or any active people—subject their bodies to stressors beyond everyday life. And no matter if you’re a weekend warrior or an Olympic medalist, the bottom line is that structure dictates function.

Stress can change your posture, leading to altered movement patterns or biomechanics. When your body can’t move how it’s supposed to, your nervous system can’t deliver messages between your brain and body optimally, and breakdowns occur in your parts.

Since athletes depend on coordination, speed, strength, & split-second timing, having a nervous system that is free of interference & a body that can move as it should is imperative. At Radiant Life Chiropractic, “The Posture Doc”, we have nearly a decade of experience working with athletes of all ages and skill levels, including elementary school players, collegiate athletes, and Olympians.

A Focus on Education

Dr. Scott is passionate about helping our patients understand the connection between posture, patterns, and parts and how the nervous system regulates and controls everything in the body, all the way down to the cells. His goal is for our patients to become empowered to take better care of their bodies and to create lifelong wellness.

And you don’t have to be an elite athlete—or an athlete at all—to experience the enhanced performance
and overall well-being that a healthy nervous system brings!

golfer playing on course

Who We Help

We strive to encourage our patients to take a proactive approach, getting care to help prevent injuries rather than waiting until they’re injured to seek care. We use state-of-the-art diagnostics to assess your posture, movement, and nerve function and then design a customized care plan to help restore optimal structural alignment and proper biomechanics.

With your body aligned and moving as it should, interference is removed from the nervous system. When your nervous system is “firing on all cylinders,” your coordination and performance can rise to new levels. And when your body is working as a strong, cohesive unit, it is less susceptible to injury.

We see athletes in a wide range of sports who are looking to optimize their performance and stay healthy. Some of the common sportspeople we see are

  • Archers
  • Baseball players
  • Football players
  • Golfers
  • Soccer players
  • Swimmers

Frequently Asked Questions

How is sports chiropractic different than regular chiropractic?

Sports chiropractic is a branch of chiropractic that focuses on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sports-related injuries and conditions. Sports chiropractors have additional training and certification in sports medicine, biomechanics, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement. Sports chiropractors use a variety of techniques and tools to help athletes of all levels and disciplines achieve optimal health and performance, and recover faster from injuries.

Can regular care improve my golf game?

Yes, regular chiropractic care can improve your golf game, by improving your posture, alignment, mobility, and stability. Chiropractic can help you maintain a proper swing, prevent injuries, and enhance your endurance and concentration. A study found that golfers who received chiropractic care for four weeks improved their full-swing performance by 10%.

Does chiropractic help with sprains? How?

Yes, chiropractic can help with sprains, which are injuries to the ligaments that connect the bones in a joint. Chiropractic can help by reducing the inflammation, pain, and swelling, and restoring the normal function and range of motion of the joint. Chiropractic can also help prevent chronic problems and re-injury, by strengthening the ligaments and muscles, and correcting any misalignments or imbalances that may have caused or contributed to the sprain.

Why are so many professional athletes raving about chiropractors?

Many professional athletes are raving about chiropractors because they have experienced the benefits of chiropractic care for their health and performance. Chiropractors can help athletes prevent and recover from injuries, improve their flexibility and coordination, enhance their strength and power, and optimize their nervous system function. Chiropractors can also help athletes deal with the physical and mental stress and demands of their sport, and achieve their peak potential.

Addressing Injuries

Of course, our goal is to help you prevent injuries. But sometimes injuries occur, and seeking care as soon as possible after sustaining an injury can help your body heal in the best way possible, minimizing scar tissue and helping to prevent altered movement patterns.

Be at Your Athletic Best

We want to help you stay in the game and play at your highest level! Contact us today to book an appointment.



Sports Chiropractic Green Bay, Howard WI | (920) 455-0020